金玉衡 刘婷 李颖 倪清蓉 曲俊 宣文陵 徐轩露 薛亮
摄影:胡正东 喻勤工作室
翻译 / 校对:王睿 Tina Dave
摄录 / 剪辑 / 音乐录制 / 混音合成:赵慧儿
作曲 / 编曲 / 器乐演奏 / 电子乐演奏:赵勤 赵慧儿
前 言Foreword
赵勤是我的校友。我读研究生,他上本科。那时候,我每天在球场上挥汗两个小时。赵勤也是,天天看到他在球场上身影。喜欢体育的人在一起聊天,兴奋度高:某个球星,某场经典比赛,某个永恒的瞬间,等等。聊天多,自然就了解对方的底子了。赵勤属于肯动脑子的人,悟性高,不依赖啃书本,而是任凭自己的感觉去发现或吸收。对于艺术家来说,老天的奖赏一点不比后天的努力显得次要。艺术家需要学习很多东西,也需要无视很多东西。弄不好,学识的堆积会堵塞感觉的通道。所以,像赵勤这样由着兴致随意发挥,才是对的。譬如,赵勤除了艺术创作,还迷恋音乐——顺便说一句,赵勤对音乐像对专业一样投入。并且,一不小心还涉足了电影。诸此种种,赵勤觉悟到的层次自然非同一般。功利心弱了,自主性就强了。如罗素的定义:丰富性是人生的幸福的源泉。Zhao Qin and I went to the same university. I was a graduate student, and he was an undergraduate. At that time, I sweated on the basketball court for two hours every day. So did Zhao Qin. I could see him on the football field almost every day. People who like sports chat together with a high degree of excitement: a football/basketball star, a classic game, an eternal moment, and so on. Since we chatted a lot, we gradually learned a lot about each other. Zhao Qin is willing to use his brains and is highly talented. He doesn’t rely solely on books and theories but discovers truth or absorbs knowledge through his own feelings and experiences. For artists, talent is every bit as important as hard work. Artists should learn a lot of things and at the same time, ignore a lot of things. If not, the accumulation of knowledge will block the channeling of feelings. Therefore, it is right for Zhao Qin to act freely according to his interests. For example, in addition to artistic creation, Zhao Qin is also infatuated with music (it’s worth mentioning that Zhao Qin is as devoted to music as to his art. And he accidentally dabbled in movies. With all these cultivations, it’s natural that Zhao Qin’s level of comprehension and appreciation became extraordinary. When a person is not so obsessed with fame or wealth, he becomes more autonomous. Russell put it so well, “diversity is the source of happiness in life.”
我熟悉的艺术家很多,快快乐乐的艺术家真是少见。一方面是性格,一方面是认识。某种程度上,认识比性格更重要。西方谚语:快乐的猪和痛苦的哲学家。设置这样的前提,把快乐和哲思对立起来,是因为动脑子的人易于抑郁。尼采站出来反对:哲思为什么不可以快乐?从事艺术工作,引发出的各种附加想法会多一些。不少艺术家不快乐,与想法太多有关。没有人能够逃避烟火气,现实就是现实。地球的引力对每个人是相等的,现实生活施与每个人的压力是不同的。这是社会的差异性,也是人的差异性。艺术家更容易感受到差异的变数,所以,保持自我的平衡其实没有那么简单。赵勤不年轻了,数年来不紧不慢地画画,做手工活,看似平淡,却见出一种特有的功力。这种功力厚实,劲道足,蕴含了不易觉察的冲击力。I am familiar with many artists, and happy artists are really rare. One reason is personality; the other reason is cognition. To some extent, cognition is more important than character. A western proverb pointed out that men are either a happy pig or a painful philosopher. This premise places in opposition, happiness and philosophical thinking because people who think are more prone to depression. Nietzsche stood out against it: why can’t philosophical thinking be happy? Well, artistic work will give rise to additional ideas. Many artists are unhappy, which has something to do with having too many ideas. No one can escape the hassles of everyday life. Reality is reality. The earth’s gravity is the same for everyone, but for each person, the pressure of life is different. This is not only social difference, but also differences in human nature. Artists are more sensitive to subtle differences, so it is not that simple to maintain self-balance. Zhao Qin is no longer young. Over the years, he has been painting and doing manual work at a leisurely pace, which may seem dull, but he demonstrates unique skills. Such skills are rich and powerful and contains an almost imperceptible impact.
几年前,我在赵勤的工作室喝茶、聊天,观看他的近作。起初并没有被他的作品打动。细看之后,忽然有一股萌动的力量开始冲击我了。因为我们都是过来人,过往的历史积淀在记忆深处。他的作品正是以抽丝剥茧的方式将时间的尘埃抹去,记忆的硬核便突显出来。巴尔扎克曾说:细节是伟大的作者。是的,细节不仅是构成作品的局部,其本身就像钉子一般嵌入我的印象。赵勤不厌其烦再现细节——厂房、围墙、家庭、桥梁、家具摆设等等,他的怀旧癖不仅是美学趣味上的偏好,也是某种个体意义上的选择——对过往历史的留恋、赞美、厌恶和深思。我们面对的一切都没有绝对的好,或不好,当一切成为过去,喜悦也好,伤害也好,只是记忆里的内容。当我说赵勤的选择具有他的个体意义,只是表明艺术创作的特性,而对观众,作品呈现了集体记忆的意义。请注意,赵勤作品不单单是一件件微缩的历史景观,或者是一幅幅历史的风俗画卷。他通过记忆描绘出过往的宏大空间。他让观众进入这个空间寻找现实的投影,以及这个空间在现实中的投影。A few years ago, I drank tea and chatted with Zhao Qin in his studio and observed his latest works. At first, I was not moved by his works. After a closer look, suddenly a budding force began to impact me. Because we are all people with experiences, past history is accumulated in the depths of our memories. It is in his works that the dust of time is wiped away, and the hard inner core of memory is highlighted. Balzac once said, “Details are great authors.” Yes, details are not only part of the work, but also embedded in my impression like nails. Zhao Qin took pains to reproduce the details --- factory buildings, walls, families, bridges, furniture, decorations, etc. His nostalgia is not only a preference for aesthetic taste, but also a choice in a certain individual sense --- nostalgia, praise, disgust and deep thinking about past history. Nothing we face is absolutely good or bad. When everything is in the past, happiness and injury is just the contents of our memories. When I say Zhao Qin’s choice has individual significance, it shows the characteristics of his artistic creation. But for the audience, the work presents the significance of collective memories. Please note that Zhao Qin’s work are not merely miniature historical landscapes, but also scrolls of customs and traditions. He painted the grand space of the past in his memory, allowing the audience to enter this space and find the projection of reality as well as the projection of this space in reality.
赵勤的创作不拘于架上绘画,或者装置作品。他既不随意,又不刻意。总体上说,赵勤偏爱怀旧。在形式、结构、色调上,他都或多或少在本能上抵御着时髦和流行。按照波德莱尔的说法,现代性就是一半在变,一半永恒。赵勤的怀旧不是抱残守缺。他对恒定的东西保持敬畏。在这一点上,和我是一致的。无论是阅读、观看或是聆听,经典永远是经典,不可撼动,不可取代。但是,赵勤的视觉喜好有他的偏向。换个角度看,赵勤内在的激情带有浪漫色彩。浪漫会带来某种细腻的善感。对人性,对环境,对事物,都附着个人趣味的投射。譬如,赵勤对过往的物品,对物品的残缺,物品的包浆,都有特别的关注。甚至对一些地域和景色,也有“一切景语皆情语”的意思。我一向不认为真实有什么重要性。艺术的再现功能远低于艺术的表达意义——这方面,赵勤正是一个很好的个案。真诚地对待生活,对待创作,才是艺术家的制胜法宝。Zhao Qin’s creations are not confined to easel painting or installation works. He is neither casual nor deliberate. Generally speaking, Zhao Qin prefers nostalgia. In terms of form, structure and tone, he is more or less instinctively resistant to trends and fashion. According to Baudelaire, modernity is half changing and half eternal. Zhao Qin’s nostalgia is not clinging to the debris and remnants of the past. He is in awe of the constant. We are the same on this point. Whether we are reading, watching or listening, classics are always classics, which cannot be shaken or replaced. However, Zhao Qin is “biased” in terms of visual preferences. Looking at it from another angle, Zhao Qin’s inner passion is romantic. Romance brings about certain delicate sensitivity. The projection of personal interest is attached to human nature, the environment and particular objects. For example, Zhao Qin pays special attention to past items, the incompleteness and imperfections of items, items representing the passage of time. The demonstration and depiction of certain regions and sceneries in his works follow the principle of “sceneries are the externalization of emotions”. I have never thought that truth is important. The function of reproduction in art is far less important than that of artistic expression --- Zhao Qin is a good example in this respect. Treating life and creation with sincerity will always remain the artists’magic weapon.
赵勤这次展览其实早在两年前就该举办。原因大家知道。不过,三年的不平凡经历给了赵勤更多沉淀,也有更多的时间打磨和完善他的作品,现在终于呈现给了观众,是件值得庆贺的事情。Zhao Qin’s exhibition should have been held two years ago. We all know the reason why it has been postponed. However, the unusual experience of the past three years has given Zhao Qin more time for deliberation, to polish and perfect his works. Finally, it is presented to the audience. So this is worth celebrating!
李小山Li Xiaoshan

时间:2023年4月23日 15:00
时间:2023年4月26日 14:30