双飞就是诗人的绝境逢生——上善若水 诗歌朗诵及素食品鉴会
12th Round of AMNUA Zero Program
Double Art Centre Right Means the Narrow Escape for Poets, As Good As Water
Poetry Reading and Vegetarian Diet Tasting
12th Sep.(3:00 Pm.) 2015 - 17th Sep. 2015
Curator&Artist:Double Fly Art Centre
AMNUA Zero Program
Project Director:Wang Yamin
Venue: AMNUA No.0 Hall
Organizer: Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts
Always running artificially wild throughout every corner of this world, and taking advantages of the hell of collective improvisation to enjoy the realm beyond an artist as an individual, Double Fly Art Center would like to present this project to make a non-multimedia live performance, restoring an outdated revolutionary romanticism atmosphere, of which it is the process to create surprises that would be truly elegant.
For this project, all members of Double Fly Centre will first gather in Nanjing, the the capital of six dynasties and the key town of contemporary Chinese Literature!!! Improvisation, making friends with poetry reading and vegetarian diet tasting, this event will show our attempt to truly arouse the poetic glamorization living with greener and sustainable development mode, the live demonstrations and advocacy to New Life Movement of the substitution of aesthetics for religions.