影像Moving Images仅仅是诗的衍生品吗?| AMNUA诗,之后的影像现场_二

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view Chen Youton - China 陈友桐 - 中国 Aid 援助 Video 视频 2013

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view Li Che - China 李彻 - 中国 Deimos' endless pursuit of becoming deimos part one Deimos 对成为 deimos 的无尽追求 第一部分 Digital game 电子游戏 2023

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view Jiang Hanxuan - China 蒋涵萱 - 中国 Dust In Her Eyes 她眼⾥的尘埃 Digitlised super 16 film&HD 数字化超16毫⽶胶⽚电影&HD b&w+color ⿊⽩&彩⾊ 14 minutes 14分钟 2022 - 2024
Dust is a tiny, easily overlooked thing, but once it appears in your eyes, it remains in the world you perceive. This minute dust is like the delicate, sentimental emotions in a woman's heart. It is rooted in the few women who appear in the film, sometimes an image that lingers, sometimes the source of a woman's energy, and at times even the foundation of self-belief and the establishment of values. The randomly flashing particles of film, the floaters in our vision, the shimmering light spots in the sea, and the sighs and desires deep within a woman's soul all intertwine, creating a sense of intimate encounters and poetic everyday life. 灰尘是容易被忽视的微⼩之物,但当它出现在你的眼中时,便⼀直存在于你所感受到的世界中。这 样微⼩的尘埃就像⼥性⼼中⼀些多愁善感的细腻情感。它根植于影⽚⾥出现的⼏位⼥性中,有时是 ⼀个挥之不去的图像,有时是⼥性能量迸发的源泉,有时甚⾄是⾃我信仰与价值建⽴的根基。随机 闪现的胶⽚颗粒、现实中的飞蚊症、海浪⾥闪烁的光斑和⼥性灵魂深处的呻吟与渴望交织在⼀起, 感受亲密的相遇和诗意的⽇常。

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view
Hai Jie - China 海杰 - 中国
Right 右 Two Pink Men 两个粉色男子 1080p 13 seconds 13秒 AI generated AI生成 2024
Left 左 Peach Blossoms 桃花 1080p 24 seconds 24秒 AI generated AI生成 2024
Rear 后 Good Sisters 好姐妹 1080p 13 seconds 13秒 AI generated AI生成 2024
Based on the AI images generated in 2023, I used AI software to create a series of ultra-short videos. Given the clumsy state of the current AI video formats, I paired them with music that exudes rustic romance and adheres to the information of the times, thus forming a new AIMTV. 基于2023年生成的AI图像,我用AI软件生成一系列超短视频,鉴于目前AI视频制式的笨拙姿态,匹配土味浪漫,又粘附时代信息的音乐,形成了新的AIMTV。
移动的影像Moving Images,
Long, long ago,There came a computer,The era of meta-medium began,
All solid media melted away.The abstraction of all medium became unstoppable,
The software-ization of all media was inevitable. Social media like WeChat Moments, Such software medium sought to
Turn software
Into software.Moving Images
Were no longer merely frames moving in time,
No longer merely motion through space,
Not even merely social movement.
Instead, like
A tyrannosaurus rex—
The moving image described by W.J.T. Mitchell
In Jurassic Park,
Projected onto the studio wall of an artist,
Evolved its own
Biochemical genes.After poetry,
Have moving images awakened?
Are moving images still merely derivatives of poetry?

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view
Sun Jialing - Chinan 孙佳翎 - 中国 Mid-View 中景 Mid-View Film 电影 2023

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view
Sun Jialing - Chinan 孙佳翎 - 中国 Mid-View 中景 Mid-View Film 电影 2023

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view Zuhair Lokhandwala - United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国 Just Once 只这一次 Film 电影 2023

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view

诗,之后的影像现场 Poetry, The Moving Images Come After Exhibition/installation view
诗的时代过去了吗?莱辛的《拉奥孔》提出诗与画的界限,现代艺术在诗歌中探路,阿多诺追问“奥斯维辛之后还能写诗吗”……诗,作为一种媒介形式,始终在形式与伦理的交织中书写着自己的历史。而在今天,诗的声音如何回响?这个古老的媒介似乎隐退在流行的浪潮之外。哪个媒介如今最为鲜活?答案或许是诗的宿敌——图像,它在数字时代蜕变为肆意衍生的移动影像,社交短视频铺天盖地,它们吞噬时间,重塑诗的表达。在时代的媒介错位之中,我们需要追问:新旧媒介如何相互解读,相互应和?移动影像是否可以衍生为一种新的“诗”?是否存在某种普遍的“诗性”,它贯穿了艺术的形式与伦理?21世纪如何刷诗? Has the Age of Poetry Passed? Lessing’s Laocoön proposed the boundaries between poetry and painting. Modern art ventured into uncharted territories through poetry, while Adorno posed the unsettling question: “Can one write poetry after Auschwitz?” As a medium, poetry has consistently written its history at the intersection of form and ethics. But how does the voice of poetry resonate today? This ancient medium seems to have retreated amidst the tides of popular culture、. Which medium now stands as the most vibrant? The answer might lie with poetry’s long-time rival—the image, which has derived in the digital age into proliferating moving images. Social media’s short videos dominate, consuming time and reshaping poetic expression.
Amid this media dislocation, we must ask: how do old and new media interpret and respond to each other? Can moving images evolve into a new form of “poetry”? Is there a universal “poetic” essence that spans artistic form and ethics? How does the 21st century “scroll” its poetry?
The AMNUA annual program 21st Century Moving Images focuses on the role of moving images in the 21st-century media ecosystem. As the inaugural edition, Poetry, Moving Images Come After is co-organized by the Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts and the Goethe-Institut, with the support of Germany’s Zebra Poetry Film Festival and various international moving image organizations.
敬请注意展期动态会议、展映、影像连线、工作坊等其他延伸活动预告。Please stay tuned for updates on the exhibition schedule, including conferences, screenings, video online, workshops, and other related activities.