There have been a new point under the impact of globalization. The point is how can we broadcast a country’s unique culture. With the globalization, there is a tendency that too many artists have focused on alien cultures.
Just like German artists chosen studied and developed in Paris and NewYork. in the 1950s, too many foreign artists choose living and working in Germany now. They brought some fresh inspiration for German art. These immigrants artists support the development of art in Germany.
This exhibition is focussed on the effect from immigrants artists in Germany, and the conflict between the local culture and alien art. For China, we need a survey about how does the alien art effect our local culture.
There are different effects under globalization between Germany and China. German art has been always at the forefront in the world. Too many different alien cultures chose developed in Germany, and these alien cultures were help for the development of German art. But for China, we have been proud of study western art since the Opium War. Some artists studied abroad who have affected the development of Chinese art. These artists good at using some Chinese symbols in their artworks in early time, but with the progress, their artworks have shown some Chinese spirits and Chinese temperaments, even we can feel some Zen through and Confucianism in their artworks. Even though these Chinese artists have been affected by western art. At the same time, they always consider the conflict between the alien culture and local culture.
18 artists in this show have been from three times. They studied abroad in the nineties and the early time of this century. Not only the show wants to research the development of contemporary art under impact of globalization from a Chinese view, but also wants to present the point from the historical perspective.