

AMNUA Zero Program · The Forth Exhibition / Remainder:Nanjing

AMNUA Zero Program  The Forth Exhibition/


Opening/2013.09. 15:00  


Venue/ Hall 0 of Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts  

Initiators&Artist/ Tao Damin&Remainder Studio

Organizer/ Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts

Project Director/Wang Yamin

Special Thanks To/ Experimental Painting Department of NUA

Remainder:Nanjing&Remainder Studio Opening Hours/

10:00-16:00(Closed Hours Uncertain)


Hall 0


2013.09.08 - 2013.09.27

Remainder is a constantly growing painting project of Tao Damin. Using not deliberately kept consumption or various remaining objects and natural objects consumed, such as packaging material, cartons, sundries, personal items, branches, fruit, etc. as the media and content of painting, through painting from life, painting on the surface and re-organization of these items, these remainders were given a new look by painting, which structured aesthetic boundaries of objects by what those objects can give, through which the daily "life form" were poetically displayed on these remainders,which became a kind of note and symbol of personal experience.

Remainder nán jīng is the second show of this painting project. With it’s earlier stage of displaying Remainder ‘s latest work and progress, this show will combine contents of previous projects with short-term experiences in Nanjing. At the same time, as the first resident project of Remainder Studio both with personal creation,educational programs and other diverse attributes,exhibits change daily with the progress of creating in site, and creating and educational activities will also be retained on-site state. Except normal opening hours, the exhibition space will be closed at some time and become artist’s individual "Remainder Studio". As the space involved in resident practices and educational programs, such kinds of conversions will be random, not fixed, imbalance between the personal creation, education and art galleries shows caused by which will be kept exist as a unique part of the authoring system as a whole,namely the Remainder nán jīng.