Tenth Exhibition of AMNUA Zero Program
Art Intermediary-Nanjing Duozan Art Map Project
Curator/Nanjing Duozan Art Map Group
Organizer/Art Muaeum ofNanjingUniversityof the Arts
Director/Wang Yamin
Venue/Hall No.1 of AMNUA
Duozan Nanjing art map is an art project that has lasted for 2 years. Referring to the form of art map, it explores the present eco problems of art, city, commerce and the public.
Regarding the issue of “how art should walk towards the public?”, there are particular approaches in different ages and systems. At present, no matter being official, commercial or scholastic, the art producer should express himself under the purpose of self-improvement. However, as the receiver of city culture, the public normally act like the compulsory watchers, only reviewing those works from the perspective of reputation and commerce rather than aesthetics. With the lack of communicating environment, the prosperity of art, influenced by commercial art, will always be the self-entertainment of the minority, and isolated to the real culture situation of this society.
The vast maps in the city represent the history, modernization and economy of the city and guide the people’s daily life. Still, there are only limited art maps which delegate the name cards of modern city culture. In our view, not only big cities or developed areas, but each city should own this sort of maps as well. It is the medium for virtuous cycle of art production and consumption, and records the transformation of city culture.
Distinguished from the commercial operation of other art maps, Duozan art map emphasizes the traditional way of communication, and choose paper printing, delivery and free claim. It provides an art information platform that incorporates the artists, exhibition spots and audiences in the real space, and makes them watch, coexist and facilitate with each other.
- Nanjing Duozan Art Map Group
