The second show of AMNUA Zero Programme--Gigantism
Space is the carrier for art, and it is solid during a certain period. While concept and expression of art is open, dynamic,and multi-dimensional .So I envisage a minimized and movable gallery to realize the concept of a floating art space,this mini-gallery can be converted into the "gallery" in real term. The operation mode of this gallery is similar to other existing galleries. Carrying the same innate ideas and using the similar management mechanism to other gallery,my movable gallery not only exhibits art works but also promotes the exchange of academic and artistic thoughts.
In this movable gallery, I will exhibit my multimedia art works and invite other artists to exhibit their work as well,which carries
the theme of the exhibition but expresses through other ways. This can make a flow of thinking through the exchange of idea between us. The exchange can be achieved through intra-gallery communication as well as inter-gallery communication.
In the rapid development of urbanization, cities become larger and larger, the castle like buildings become more and more high, the road becomes wider and wider as well as the total wealth of our society.
However, the index of people's happiness is low. The people had got "gigantism" symptom as if they are struggling to the pursuit of success, dreams to become a "giant". When the audience watching at these miniature fluid museum works, as if he is the "giant". It will produce "extremes" visual psychology.
The fluid museum conveys irony to people's swelling desire.
Gigantism Kingdom — Curatorial program of Fluid Art Gallery
Space is the carrier for art, and it is solid during a certain period. While concept and expression of art is open, dynamic, and multi-dimensional .So I envisage a minimized and movable gallery to realize the concept of a floating art space, this mini-gallery can be converted into the "gallery" in real term. The operation mode of this gallery is similar to other existing galleries. Carrying the same innate ideas and using the similar management mechanism to other gallery, my movable gallery not only exhibits art works but also promotes the exchange of academic and artistic thoughts.
In this movable gallery, I will exhibit my multimedia art works and invite other artists to exhibit their work as well, which carries the theme of the exhibition but expresses through other ways. This can make a flow of thinking through the exchange of idea between us. The exchange can be achieved through intra-gallery communication as well as inter-gallery communication.
I n the rapid development of urbanization, cities become larger and larger, the castle like buildings become more and more high, the road becomes wider and wider as well as the total wealth of our society. However, the index of people's happiness is low. The people had got "gigantism" symptom as if they are struggling to the pursuit of success, dreams to become a "giant". When the audience watching at these miniature fluid museum works, as if he is the "giant". It will produce "extremes" visual psychology. The fluid museum conveys irony to people's swelling desire.
Xu Bacheng
2013 24th April