

Address:Multifunction hall,AMNUA

International Symposium: Globalisation.Art.Dialogue

On March 20, 2015, the Goethe Institute (China) will display the exhibition “Art space Germany” in AMUNA,which reflects influence from foreign artists who live in Germany  to the German Art, as well as the what inspiration of German culture brings to the foreign artists. At the same time, AMNUA will hold a dialogue of the parallel exhibition "open borders - dialogue" Art space Germany ". Unlike Germany’s attraction to the foreign artists, Chinese artists more likely study abroad about contemporary art, and influence the process of Chinese contemporary art. Through these two shows, viewers can achieve intuitive perception of China and Germany in the art scene and their mutual relationship under the influence of the globalization. The both of the exhibition, AMNUA and the Goethe Institute (China) will jointly plan a seminar about"globalization", "art","dialogue"these three keywords.What effect does the process of globalization on the artistic creation and contemporary art inspire? How the artist to orient the cultural identity during the the art of globalization? In cross-cultural communication, how to balance the art of globalization and the geochemical relationship? This workshop will focused on these problems.